Agent Orange Research, LLC
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Our Mission

At Agent Orange Research, LLC, it is our mission to research the multi-generational effects of Agent Orange and the various modes of healing from it’s impacts. It affects so much, in so many different ways and we are on a mission to make a way for providing continued information regarding it’s effects and aiding in changing the way all generations are cared for.

Each time an update of the Veterans and Agent Orange Consensus Study Report comes out, we are told that more peer reviewed research is required. There is a lot of research that has been carried out, and there is a lot more still to go and Agent Orange Research, LLC is aiming to help fill the gaps.


Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 11 (2018)

"Transgenerational effects—those that might occur in veterans’ grandchildren and subsequent generations in which gestational exposure did not take place—are of great interest to veterans, but no epidemiological literature exists to evaluate whether exposure to the COIs might lead to such outcomes….. the committee strongly believes that more work in this area is warranted."

Page 562, Chapter: 12 Conclusions and Recommendations