Our Mission:
Moving Research Forward.
Researching the multi-generational effects of Agent Orange and the various modes of healing from it’s impacts, with a core focus on Vietnam Veterans and their families.
Researching the multi-generational effects of Agent Orange and the various modes of healing from it’s impacts, with a core focus on Vietnam Veterans and their families.
The Impact
At Agent Orange Research, LLC, it is our hope to help improve the understanding of how Vietnam Veterans and their families, and those others whom are linked to Agent Orange exposure, are medically impacted and treated. Currently, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes a limited impact of Agent Orange on human life. On the VA’s website, there are lists of 14 presumptive illnesses, 18 birth defects of female veterans children only, and only spina bifida (not occulta) in male veterans, as being associated with exposure.
Not only have these families had to fight for proper healthcare, but they have been pushed around and pushed aside through the years, and told that Agent Orange does not have that big of an impact. The mental abuse, on top of the physical issues, that these populations have had to endure is absurd and it’s time for a change. It all starts with accepting and admitting that TCDD containing Agent Orange is a chemical that does affect subsequent generations of those who come in contact with it. Then, it will not be left up to only the VA to address it’s issues, but mainstream doctors offices will have correct information and will be able to appropriately take care of patients.
From 1961 to 1971, approximately 19,000,000 gallons of TCDD containing Agent Orange was sprayed over the southern region of Vietnam. (Does not include transported, manufactured, handled, disposed of, or un-sprayed totals.)
According to the U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs, Military Health History Pocket Card, from August 4, 1964 to January 27, 1973, the total who served in all Armed Forces was 8,744,000. Of those, 3,403,000 were deployed to Southeast Asia. (This number reflects only how many people counted as served, it does not reflect the native Vietnamese people that were around and affected during this time, or those that were not deployed but were exposed to Agent Orange.)
Also according to the V.A., exposure to even minute doses of Agent Orange may be harmful and can pose some serious health risks, such as cancer, muscular dysfunction, and disorders of the nervous system. Because of the denial to take full responsibility and work towards healing the full problem, the true number of those affected is unknown, including the subsequent generations whom inherited it’s legacy.
Agent Orange Research, LLC supports programs that will aide in the healing and addressing of the issues associated with Agent Orange exposure through various modes, including through participating in our current research projects, providing information about monitoring your own genetic testing and results, and promoting healthy eating, and healthy living.
We will be looking at whether there are significant genetic markers in populations associated with Agent Orange exposure or not. This project will be used to support or correct findings of genetic significance found in the shared data from the populations exposed. We are currently raising funds for this project and we will begin testing when enough funds have been reached. Please consider sequencing your DNA yourself, through Sequencing.com or Dante Labs, then sharing your data with us. Agent Orange Research, LLC does not perform the genetic testing itself, but utilize third parties, like the two listed above, who do.
As a part of researching different modes of healing from the impacts on our health caused by Agent Orange, we encourage the utilization of Organic and Non GMO foods, for the healthiest eating lifestyle. We all have to work with what’s available, so we also encourage doing the best for yourself and your diet and what’s available in your particular situation. Make changes when it’s time for changes, embrace that which supports life, and listen to what your body is telling you.
If you have already had Whole Genome Sequencing performed, or have had DNA testing from places like Ancestry.com or 23 and Me and you would like to share you genetic data to our cause, we are accepting data submissions. We are looking at whether there are significant genetic markers in populations associated with Agent Orange exposure or not. When enough data is compiled to reflect statistical data, we will publish our findings in non personally identifiable information on our website.
Agent Orange causes a variety of health issues, in a variety of body systems, that affect the way that we are able to perform in our everyday living and Agent Orange Research, LLC researches different interventions for various degrees of disease, body capabilities, and personal interests.
H.R. 334 / Read Full Bill
One of several Bills that have been introduced in legislation, for aiding the subsequent generations affected by Agent Orange, but have been shut down and not passed.
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